18th & 19th September 2024 in Hamburg

Susanne Steinhauer

Susanne Steinhauer

Susanne Steinhauer


Dr. Susanne Steinhauer spent 10 years building up the sustainability management of a medium-sized corporation and developing it into an industry benchmark. Since 01.09.23 she has been following her passion as the owner of SustainableSolution. From practice for practice she develops medium-sized companies on their way to sustainability. She is also involved in the German Furniture Quality Association (DGM) as Chairwoman of the Sustainability Advisory Board, as a lecturer at the Rosenheim Technical University and as a columnist. As a chemist, she understands the interrelationships in the overall system and is passionate about driving forward the necessary sustainable and successful transformation of the economy. Thinking and acting holistically is her recipe for success: Planet+ People+ Profit+ Purpose+ Pressure-resistance+ Psychological development = Prosperity

Represented in the following tracks at the next Sustainability Summit:

Susanne Steinhauer and many more register for the Sustainability Summit now!