18th & 19th September 2024 in Hamburg

Gundula Ullah

Gundula Ullah

Gundula Ullah


Gundula Ullah has been Chief Procurement & Sustainability Officer at FUNKE Mediengruppe, one of Germany's largest media companies, since April 2019. With over 20 years of international procurement experience, she is driving the transformation of the procurement organisation and is passionate about sustainable procurement practices. Since 2021, she has also been Head of Sustainability and has since implemented numerous initiatives, including the Group's first sustainability report in accordance with CSRD and the introduction of the Corporate Carbon Footprint according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Under her leadership, the innovative WAZ Klimapilot project was launched, which reduced emissions from newspaper delivery by 73% and won the German DISQ Award in 2024. She also initiated the vodcast format "FUNKE for Future" and a "supplier dialogue" on the topic of sustainability in the area of communication. She is an honorary chairwoman of the BME.


Represented in the following tracks at the next Sustainability Summit:

Gundula Ullah and many more register for the Sustainability Summit now!