18th & 19th September 2024 in Hamburg

Sven Saborosch

Sven Saborosch

Sven Saborosch

easycircular Umweltmanagement

Sven Saborosch is managing director at easycircular Umweltmanagement GmbH and has been closely linked to the recycling industry for many years.

With his team of circular specialists, he supports well-known customers from trade and craft with industry-specific circular solutions, digital tools and systems on current topics in the circular economy. Supported by the digital easycircular portal, he and his team support customers with legal issues such as CSRD, ESG and EU taxonomy, with the requirements for sustainability certifications such as LEED, DGNB, BNB and BREEAM, the preparation of balance sheets and, together with customers, implement zero waste Concepts for a more sustainable economy.

His goal is to make individual companies and entire industries sustainable and future-oriented in accordance with the approaches of the circular economy.

Represented in the following tracks at the next Sustainability Summit:

Sven Saborosch and many more register for the Sustainability Summit now!